Saturday 19 May 2007


1. Yourself: friendly
2. Your partner: non-existent.
3.Your hair: difficult
4. Your mother: stressful
5. Your father: amusing
6. Your favourite item: camera
7. Your dream last night: none
8. Your favourite drink: vodka and lime cordial.
9.Your dream car:nissan
10. The room you are in:swanky
11. Your ex: over
12. Your fear: loneliness
13. What you want to be in 10 years: happy
14. Who you hung out with last night: me, myself and I
15. What you're not:
16. Muffins: glorious
17: One of your wish list items: SLR camera
18: Time: gone
19. The last thing you did: slept
20. What you are wearing:jogging bottoms
21. Your favourite weather: sunny with a cooling breeze
22. Your favourite book: Icarus girl
23. The last thing you ate: eggs
24. Your life: changing
25. Your mood: thoughtful
26. Your best friend: Me
27. What you're thinking about right now: change
28. Your car: sentimentally attached
29. What you are doing at the moment: thinking
30. Your summer:interesting
31. Your relationship status: Single
32. What is on your TV: Some Asian movie
33. What is the weather like: Mild
34. When was the last time you laughed: This evening